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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 773 : 10.10.2024

Partidas de Ajedrez 3254
Torneos de ajedrez 29

Ver todos torneos incluidos

BEL, 1st Leaque 202/25 round 1

TCh-BEL 2024-25 Belgium BEL Sun 29th Sep 2024 - Sun 27th Apr 2025
Leading Round 1 (of 11) Standings:
1Wetteren 100000670000413
2KSK Rochade 100006000006.5412.5
3KBSK Brugge 1000000005.55.50411
4Pluspion Wachtebeke 10000300005028
5Leuven Centraal 10000000440028
6T.A.L 10205000000027
7Boitsfort 120000004.500026.5
8TSM Mechelen 11000000000526
9KGSRL 10000403.5000017.5
10KOSK 1002.50400000016.5
11CRELEL 1002.53000000005.5
12Borgerhout 101.500000300004.5
12 players


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