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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 766 : 01.08.2024

Partidas de Ajedrez 12538
Torneos de ajedrez 73

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Bayamon PUR, Barbosa Open 2024

Torneo Internacional de Ajedrez Jose Celso Barbosa

Grupo A (Abierta)

Organizer(s) : Puerto Rico Chess Academy
Tournament Director : LSI, FI & FSI Francisco J. Cruz Arce 3101959
Chief Arbiter : IA Cristobal Vega Adorno 3101355
Deputy Chief Arbiter : NA Francisco J. Cruz Arce 3101959
Arbiter : NA Juan Berrios Gonzalez 3110087, NA Rinelly M. Comas Colon 3101576, NA Luis A. Requena Torres 310
Town : Centro Comunal Jardines de Caparra, Bayamon
Rating-Ø : 1909
Date : 2024/07/22 To 2024/07/27

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                              Rtg FED Type Pts Res. WON BH:GP BH:GP/M1 
   1    2 GM  Nagy Gabor                       2440 HUN       6   0    5   30     21,5   
   2    3 IM  Duran Vega Sergio                2300 CRC      5½   ½    5   32     22,5   
   3    1 GM  Plat Vojtech                     2465 CZE      5½   ½    4   31     21,5   
   4    4 FM  Cabezas Solano David Alejandro   2228 CRC U20   5   0    4  31,5     22    
   5    9 CM  Mejias Nunez Rafael E.           2007 PUR      4½   0    4  22,5    15,5   
   6    8 CM  Boggiano Pereira Miguel A.       2008 PUR       4   0    3   28      18    
   7    6 FM  Fellman Mike                     2108 PUR       4   0    3  25,5     18    
   8   18     Vales Quinones Pedro I.          1757 PUR      3½   0    3   31      22    
   9    7 CM  Zilleruelo Irizarry Diego        2046 PUR      3½   0    3  29,5    20,5   
  10   10     Sotelo Kohama Daniel             2006 PUR      3½   0    3   24     15,5   
  11   12     Pagan Schelmetty Hiram           1906 PUR      3½   0    3   23     15,5   
  12   11 CM  Moscoso Silva Carlos Antonio     1961 DOM S50  3½   0    2  26,5    19,5   
  13    5 FM  Infante Salvador                 2146 ESA S65  3½   0    2   25     17,5   
  14   14     Infante Salvador E               1865 USA      3½   0    2  24,5     17    
  15   16     Carrion Perez Louis E.           1820 PUR      3½   0    2   23     15,5   
  16   13     Melendez Padilla Isabelo         1888 PUR S50   3   0    2   25      17    
  17   21     Lugo Cruz Yahir                  1648 PUR U16   3   0    2   21     15,5   
  18   17 WCM Vega Jimenez Keyshla M.        F 1792 PUR       3   0    1   20     13,5   
  19   23     Infante Pacas Salvador A.           0 PUR U18   3   0    1  19,5     14    
  20   15     Pacheco Daniels Alexander        1834 PUR S50  2½   0    2   20      14    
  21   19     Alvarez Tapia Wilfredo           1715 PUR S65   2   0    2  20,5     14    
  22   20     Rivera Valentin Christian Z.     1665 PUR U18   2   0    0   22      16    
  23   22     Infante Pacas Juan P.               0 PUR U14   2   0    0   20      14    
  24   24     Infante Pecas Nicolas               0 PUR U16  1½   0    0  21,5    15,5 


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