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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 774 : 20.10.2024

Partidas de Ajedrez 7649
Torneos de ajedrez 52

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Cuenca ECU, Cafe Austria Open Oct 2024


Tournament Director : Chin-Durias, Peterson 150101390
Chief Arbiter : NA Montano Obaco, Viviana Raquel 3649261
Deputy Chief Arbiter : Tenesaca Argudo, Juan 3602621
Town : Cuenca Ecuador
Rating-Ø : 1626
Date : 2024/10/11 To 2024/10/12

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                                Rtg FED Type Pts DE BH:GP  SB   ratP 
   1    3     Vargas Sotelo Victor               1796 ECU U18   4  0   14   10,75 1965 
   2    2     Cardenas Encalada David Josue      1871 ECU U20  3½  0  14,5   10   1886 
   3    8     Quinde Corte Christian Josue       1664 ECU      3½  0   13   7,75  1704 
   4    9     Illares Chumbi Stefanny          F 1615 ECU U20  3½  0  11,5  7,25  1704 
   5   11     Romero Acevedo Jozef Isaac         1522 ECU U12   3  0   14   7,25  1743 
   6    4     Buestan Brito Anaela             F 1769 ECU       3  0  13,5    6   1696 
   7    1     Wong Pages Juan                    2008 ECU      2½  0   16   7,25  1733 
   8    7 AFM Herrera Vargas Juan Carlos         1691 ECU      2½  0   13   4,75  1590 
   9    6     Illares Chumbi Domenica Priscila F 1692 ECU U18  2½  0   11     5   1585 
  10   13     Barahona Bustamante Roman Oswald   1454 ECU       2  0   13    3,5  1528 
  11   12     Pesantez Alvarez Luis Gabriel      1459 ECU       2  0  10,5  2,25  1430 
  12   10     Vicente Ramon Mario Gustavo        1525 ECU S50   2  0   9,5  2,25  1332 
  13    5     Kittilsen Guy                      1745 USA S65   2  0   9,5   1,5  1359 
  14   15     Solano Guevara Luis Felipe            0 ECU      1½  0  11,5  2,75  1390 
  15   14     Arcos Rodriguez Abdon Nicolas      1411 ECU U12  1½  0   9,5  0,75  1261 
  16   16     Tseremp Wajarai Yosek Sawakaar        0 ECU U12   0  0   11     0   761 


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