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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 9 : 20.07.2003

Partidas de Ajedrez 2549
Torneos de ajedrez 21

Ver todos torneos incluidos

GER, Baden VL League South 19/20

Rang	Mannschaft	Spiele	MP+	MP-	Brettpt	BW
1	SGR Kuppenheim	7	11	3	31	138
2	SF Gottmadingen	7	10	4	35½	158½
3	OSG Baden-Baden   4	7	10	4	34½	156½
4	SGEM Dreisamtal   (A)	7	9	5	36½	156½
5	OSG Baden-Baden   5   (N)	7	9	5	29½	136½
6	SVG Konstanz	7	8	6	25	131
7	SC Oberwinden	7	7	7	30	132
8	SC Dreiländereck   2   (N)	7	5	9	24	93½
9	SVG Offenburg   (N)	7	1	13	16	77
10	SC Heitersheim	7	0	14	18	80½


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