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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 773 : 10.10.2024

Partidas de Ajedrez 3254
Torneos de ajedrez 29

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Greifswald GER, Springer Open 2024

Greifswalder Springer 2024

Organizer(s) : Schach Events Guido Springer
Tournament Director : Springer, Guido 4669177
Chief Arbiter : Springer, Guido 4669177
Town : Greifswald
Rating-Ø : 1630
Date : 2024/10/03 To 2024/10/06

Final ranking

Rank SNo. Name               Rtg FED Type Pts ratP BH/C1 PS  
   1    1 Woll Wilfried     2029 GER S50  6½  2105  23   26½ 
   2    9 Hartung Kim       1576 GER U18   5  1880  24½  17  
   3    4 Krambeer Matti    1732 GER U16  4½  1732  25   18½ 
   4    2 Wecke Thoralf     1867 GER S50   4  1874  26½  17½ 
   5    7 Lorenz Constantin 1626 GER      3½  1657  24   14½ 
   6    3 Klotzsche Stefan  1797 GER S50  3½  1563  21   16½ 
   7    5 Eschrig Immanuel  1703 GER U16   3  1702  26½  13  
   8    6 Vakeel Eshwar     1662 GER U14   3  1490  24½  11½ 
   9    8 Wagner Tino       1615 GER S50   2  1352  23½   5  
  10   10 Frey Jarmo        1459 GER U12   2  1284  21   11  
  11   11 Korth Alexander    864 GER U10   1  849   20½   7 


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