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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 758 : 10.05.2024

Partidas de Ajedrez 7405
Torneos de ajedrez 45

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Joacaba BRA, Scherer Masters 2024

Scherer Chess Masters 2024

Organizer(s) : Associação de Xadrez de Joaçaba - AXJ
Tournament Director : Schatz, Marcos Alexandre 22776451
Chief Arbiter : IA Mafra, Kaiser Luiz 2106698
Deputy Chief Arbiter : FA De Oliveira, Edison Luiz 22760997
Arbiter : NA Mariani, Daniel Brandao 2124378
Town : Teatro Alfredo Sigwalt - Rua Roberto Trompovsky, 63 - Joacaba/SC
Category : 8 (Rating-Ø : 2437)
Date : 2024/05/01 To 2024/05/09

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                             Rtg FED 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 Pts Res. KS/L50 WIN 
   1    4 GM  Fier Alexandr                   2574 BRA *  0  1  ½  1  1  ½  1  1  1   7   0    3,5    6  
   2    8 IM  Flores Quillas Diego Saul Rodri 2431 PER 1  *  ½  1  0  0  1  1  1  1  6½   0    2,5    6  
   3    2 GM  Delgado Ramirez Neuris          2483 PAR 0  ½  *  ½  0  1  1  ½  1  1  5½   0     2     4  
   4    1 IM  Perdomo Leandro                 2378 ARG ½  0  ½  *  ½  ½  ½  1  ½  1   5   0     2     2  
   5    6 GM  Quintiliano Renato R.           2487 BRA 0  1  1  ½  *  ½  1  0  ½  0  4½   ½     3     3  
   6    3 GM  Bachmann Axel                   2578 PAR 0  1  0  ½  ½  *  0  ½  1  1  4½   ½     2     3  
   7    7 IM  Di Berardino Diego Rafael       2484 BRA ½  0  0  ½  0  1  *  1  ½  ½   4   1     2     2  
   8    5 GM  Cubas Jose Fernando             2419 PAR 0  0  ½  0  1  ½  0  *  1  1   4   0     2     3  
   9   10 FM  Do Valle Cardoso Lucas          2367 BRA 0  0  0  ½  ½  0  ½  0  *  1  2½   0     1     1  
  10    9 WIM Librelato Kathie Goulart        2165 BRA 0  0  0  0  1  0  ½  0  0  *  1½   0     1     1  


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