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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 733 : 01.09.2023

Partidas de Ajedrez 14732
Torneos de ajedrez 107

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L'Alpe d'Huez FRA, 96th Men Ch

L'Alpe d'Huez FRA, 96th Men Ch  2023


Edouard,Romain 0.5
Gozzoli,Yannick 1.5

Gharamian,Tigran 3.0
Lagarde,Max 4.0


Lagarde,Max 3.0
Edouard,Romain 4.0

Gozzoli,Yannick 1.5
Gharamian,Tigran 0.5


Laurent Paoli,Pierre 0.5
Lagarde,Max 1.5

Edouard,Romain 4.0
Maze,Sebastien 3.0

Gozzoli,Yannick 4.0
Girel,Joseph 3.0

Gharamian,Tigran 2.5
Maurizzi,Marc Andria 1.5

Round 1

Bauer,Christian 0.5
Laurent Paoli,Pierre 1.5

Lagarde,Max 1.5
Dorfman,Josif D 0.5

Moussard,Jules 0.5
Edouard,Romain 1.5

Cornette,Matthieu 1.5
Maze,Sebastien 2.5

Wirig,Anthony 2.0
Gozzoli,Yannick 4.0

Girel,Joseph 1.5
Fressinet,Laurent 0.5

Boyer,Mahel 1.0
Gharamian,Tigran 3.0

Flom,Gabriel 3.0
Maurizzi,Marc Andria 4.0


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