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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 758 : 10.05.2024

Partidas de Ajedrez 7405
Torneos de ajedrez 45

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Landau GER, RLP Blitz Ch 2024


Landau 2024

Organizer(s) : Schachbund Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.
Tournament Director : Johann, Gregor 4632060
Chief Arbiter : IA Schmidt, Sandra 16247507
Deputy Chief Arbiter : IA Johann, Gregor 4632060
Arbiter : NA Marhoefer, Daniel 12959561; FA Kugel, Norbert 12925802
Town : Landau
Rating-Ø : 2136
Date : 2024/05/05

Final ranking

Rank SNo.    Name                     Rtg FED Pts   SB   WIN 
   1    6 IM Carow Johannes  Dr.     2507 GER 24½ 332,00 22  
   2    7 FM Frischmann Rick         2365 GER 23  292,75 21  
   3    8 FM Barzen Pascal           2360 GER 22  295,75 18  
   4   14 FM Karsay Pascal           2337 GER 22  286,50 19  
   5    2    Lebzak Jaroslav         2085 GER 21  259,50 19  
   6   25    Hinrichs Paul           2245 GER 20  235,50 19  
   7    9    Lantzsch Christian      2131 GER 18½ 242,00 16  
   8   15 FM Bruch Jochen            2119 GER 18½ 240,00 13  
   9   11 FM Syrov Arkadi            2171 GER 18½ 233,25 16  
  10   13 FM Schenderowitsch Michael 2271 GER 18½ 229,50 15  
  11    5 CM Bold Andre              2110 GER 18½ 226,75 13  
  12   16    Yakovenko Oleg          2230 GER 17  221,25 13  
  13    1 FM Lang Torsten            2292 GER 17  205,50 11  
  14    3 FM Silber Henning  Dr.     2283 GER 16  197,75  9  
  15   29    Karpa Adrian            2077 GER 15½ 187,25 10  
  16   20    Grzeca Pascal           2116 GER 15  186,25 10  
  17   26    Huschens Matthias       2072 GER 14½ 160,50 11  
  18   23    Commercon Simon         2230 GER 14  143,50 12  
  19   30    Vogel Johannes          2103 GER 13  132,00 11  
  20   17    Zimmermann Klemens      2198 GER 12½ 163,25  7  
  21   22    Gypser Andreas  Dr.     2115 GER 12½ 141,75  8  
  22   27    Hüseynov Ahad           2037 GER 12½ 139,75 10  
  23   24    Müllen Jürgen           2195 GER 10  124,50  9  
  24    4    Gauer Manuel            1972 GER 7½  87,75   4  
  25   19    Frohnhäuser Simon       1959 GER 7½  79,00   5  
  26   10    Roth Jonas              1766 GER 6½  49,25   4  
  27   21    Lenz Joshua             1848 GER  6  57,50   4  
  28   12    Zwick Jonas             2014 GER 5½  48,25   3  
  29   28    Falahat Sascha          1876 GER  4  38,25   3  
  30   18    Müller Lutz             2002 GER 3½  36,25   3 


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