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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 734 : 10.09.2023

Partidas de Ajedrez 6611
Torneos de ajedrez 36

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Lima PER, Men Ch 2023


Rank SNo.     Name                                           Rtg FED Type Pts Res. Vict BH. BH. BL 
   1    2     Delgado Romero Marco                          2329 PER      7½   0    7   44  51  4  
   2    7     Reyes Zavaleta Fabian Ricardo                 2038 PER U18   7   0    6   46½ 54  4  
   3   12 WIM Bravo Mallco Kate Azumi                     F 1946 PER U16   7   0    6   43½ 50  4  
   4    1 GM  Vera Siguenas Deivy                           2463 PER       7   0    5   46½ 54  4  
   5   13     Quiroz Alva Franco Rodrigo                    1922 PER U18  6½   0    6   43  50½ 4  
   6    6 CM  Alvarado Zamora Albert                        2046 PER U18  6½   0    6   39½ 45  4  
   7    3 FM  Principe Gerson                               2213 PER      6½   0    5   44  51  4  
   8   18     Parra Gonzales Andre Leonardo                 1865 PER U16  6½   0    5   40  47  5  
   9   53     Lapa Cunias Marco Antonio                     1501 PER U18  6½   0    5   39  45½ 4  
  10   28     Maravi Jon                                    1730 PER U20   6   0    6   33½ 41  5  
  11    8     Meono Alvan Ronier Grover                     2024 PER       6   0    5   43  50  5  
  12   22     Caceres Sandoval Eduardo                      1812 PER U16   6   0    5   40  46½ 4  
  13   32     Sifuentes Alcantara Jhony Sebas               1691 PER U18   6   0    5   38  45½ 4  
  14   21     Soria Castillo Ricardo                        1849 PER S50   6   0    5   37  43½ 4  
  15  104     Valles Aguilar Julio Cesar                       0 PER       6   0    4   38½ 45½ 3  
  16   45     Garay Ramirez Estefano Javier                 1554 PER U16  5½   0    5   44½ 51  4  
  17   26     Reyes Zavaleta Cristhian Yamil                1771 PER U14  5½   0    5   43  50½ 4  
  18   47     Zapata Romero Italo German                    1544 PER U16  5½   0    5   40½ 47½ 4  
  19   39     Villafuerte Mamani Khalid Stephano            1637 PER U18  5½   0    5   38½ 45  4  
  20   24     Cornelio Argumedo Yamil                       1788 PER      5½   0    5   38  44½ 4  
  21    9 AGM Altamirano Porras Ricardo Enrique             1980 PER      5½   0    5   37½ 43  5  
  22   56     Astoyauri De La Cruz Fernando Isaac           1486 PER U12  5½   0    5   36½ 43  5  
  23   10     Bedoya Rosales Luis                           1971 PER      5½   0    5   36  41½ 5  
  24   23     Rodriguez Rubio Alex Steven                   1794 PER U20  5½   0    4   45½ 52½ 4  
  25   11     Pillaca Cabrera Rodrigo Gerardo               1949 PER      5½   0    4   41  47½ 4  
  26   30 ACM Alfaro Zambrano Luis Fabricio                 1695 PER U14  5½   0    4   40  47½ 4  
  27   75     Anticona Bocanegra Fabrizio Aaron             1231 PER U14  5½   0    4   37½ 43  4  
  28   31     Salazar Flores Yerick Alexander               1692 PER U16  5½   0    3   40  47  4  
  29   60     Coronado Carrion Teddy Francisco              1428 PER       5   0    5   41½ 48  4  
  30   17     Nunez Villazana Norbil Marco                  1902 PER U20   5   0    5   39  45½ 4  
  31   49     Quevedo Perales Aaron Wilfredo                1541 PER       5   0    5   39  45  5  
  32   35     Palomino Landeo Diego Fernando                1684 PER U16   5   0    5   37½ 44  4  
  33   55     Vilca Contreras Dante Ivan                    1488 PER U12   5   0    5   35  41½ 4  
  34   40     Quiroz Alva Gian Carlo Gabriel                1609 PER U14   5   0    5   35  41  5  
  35   80     Campos Montesinos Andrew Uxon                 1158 PER U16   5   0    5   30½ 35½ 4  
  36    5     Morales Nino Luis                             2051 PER S50   5   0    5   24½ 30  5  
  37   36     Ilasaca Gaona Owen Hisahito                   1655 PER U16   5   0    4   40  46  4  
  38   63     Fernandez Monteza Fabian Arturo               1353 PER U12   5   0    4   39  45½ 5  
  39   16 CM  Navarro Ariza Justin Jeshua                   1904 PER U20   5   0    4   38  44½ 5  
  40   19     Guevara Hilario Jose Antonio                  1861 PER       5   0    4   36  41½ 4  
       46     Herrada Blanco Maria  Fernanda              F 1545 PER U14   5   0    4   36  41½ 4  
  42   54     Quispe Flores Anderson                        1492 PER U18   5   0    4   35½ 42  5  
  43   42     Rucoba Tuanama Denis                          1577 PER       5   0    4   35  40½ 4  
  44   66     Tadeo Arontico Jesus Raul                     1316 PER U16   5   0    4   34  40  5  
  45   29     Bendezu Yupanqui Albert Martin                1702 PER U16   5   0    3   41  47½ 4  
  46   33     Sosa Cabrera Paulo                            1685 PER      4½   0    4   39  45½ 4  
  47   51     Pezo Flores Ramiro Golber                     1515 PER S50  4½   0    4   34  40  4  
  48   67     Reyes Zavaleta Sergio Gabriel                 1306 PER U12  4½   0    4   34  39½ 4  
  49   62     Gaspar Guevara Darling                      F 1359 PER U14  4½   0    4   33½ 39  4  
  50   76     Chesa Horiuchi Nikolas Gabriel                1209 PER U16  4½   0    4   32  37½ 4  
  51   79     Meneses Morales Marcos Beltran                1165 PER U12  4½   0    4   31½ 38  4  
  52   38     Salinas Gonzales Eliseo Mequias               1640 PER U20  4½   0    4   31½ 37½ 4  
  53   27     Pizzardo Olivares Fernando Salvador           1748 PER S65  4½   0    3   37  43½ 4  
  54   41     Montesinos Parisaca Tupac Russell             1597 PER U16  4½   0    3   35½ 42½ 4  
  55   59     Riojas Rebata Oswaldo Andre                   1438 PER U16  4½   0    3   31½ 37  4  
  56   14     Garcia Toledo Pedro                           1911 PER S65   4   0    4   36½ 42  3  
  57   50     Acuna Alarcon Claudia Micaela               F 1538 PER U14   4   0    4   36  42  4  
  58   78     Bernal Alva Rodrigo                           1170 PER U18   4   0    4   25½ 31  5  
  59   77     Sanchez Rojas Alejandro Sam                   1194 PER U16   4   0    4   24½ 30  4  
  60   57     Ramirez Mori Angel Farid                      1476 PER U14   4   0    3   35  40½ 5  
  61   74     Montoya Jorge Richard Lionel                  1252 PER U10   4   0    3   34½ 40½ 4  
  62   72     Enciso Mamani Aaron                           1258 PER U16   4   0    3   33  38½ 4  
  63   65     Cardenas Huachaca Alessandro Jair             1337 PER U14   4   0    3   32½ 38  4  
  64   82     Sanchez Sanchez Leonardo Daniel               1136 PER U14   4   0    3   31  36½ 5  
  65   58     Diaz Bermudez Pedro Teofilo                   1471 PER U14   4   0    3   30  35½ 4  
  66   85     Callupe Matias Obed Esteban                   1101 PER U12   4   0    3   27½ 33½ 4  
  67   70     Chavez Bautista Lennin Alfredo                1286 PER U14   4   0    2   35  41  5  
  68   34     Laura Saavedra Miguel Nicanor                 1684 PER S50   4   0    2   34  39½ 5  
  69   52     Paiva Benites Felix Raul                      1504 PER S65   4   0    2   33½ 39½ 4  
  70   15     Santiago Lastra Nefi                          1906 PER      3½   0    3   38  43½ 3  
  71   20     Gomez Gonzales Cristofer Syan                 1849 PER      3½   0    3   37½ 43  4  
  72   73     Ayala Aranibar Adrian Alexander               1252 PER U14  3½   0    3   33  39  4  
  73   68     Moscoso Tellez Joe Goldtie Marshall           1290 PER U08  3½   0    3   30  35½ 5  
  74   88     Sardon Aragon Alejandro Ulysses               1085 PER U16  3½   0    3   29½ 35  5  
  75   44     Benavides Conza Diego Angelo                  1559 PER U18  3½   0    3   28  33  2  
  76   43     Vidalon Raul                                  1570 PER      3½   0    3   27½ 34  4  
  77   90     Soria Fernandez Baca Jesus Tomas              1056 PER U12  3½   0    3   25½ 31½ 5  
  78   94     Calla Pinedo Carlos Fabian                       0 PER U12  3½   0    2   30½ 36½ 4  
  79   98     Dulanto Rodriguez Leonardo Adriano               0 PER U08  3½   0    2   29½ 34  4  
  80   64     Ricaldi Astuvilca Piero Stefano DI            1346 PER U16  3½   0    2   28  33½ 4  
  81   91     Loayza Rivera Bryan James                     1046 PER U10  3½   0    2   23½ 28½ 5  
  82   89     Garay Ramirez Patrick Yosue                   1064 PER U12   3   0    3   35  41  3  
  83   87     Urpeque Guzman Zayaka Isabel                F 1096 PER U12   3   0    3   33  39  4  
  84   61     Reynoso Jorge                                 1425 PER       3   0    3   32½ 39  3  
  85   93     Villavicencio Luna Victoria Fernando Daniel   1018 PER U14   3   0    3   25½ 31½ 4  
  86   86     Salazar Flores Adiel Jesus                    1097 PER U10   3   0    2   32½ 37½ 4  
  87   84     Hidalgo Valladolid Renato Guillermo           1113 PER U10   3   0    2   29  34  4  
  88  103     Ramirez Mori Jael Eduardo                        0 PER U12   3   0    2   25½ 30  4  
  89   95     Cano Flores Alvaro Alexander                     0 PER U10   3   0    2   24  28½ 4  
  90  101     Orbegoso Romero Alvaro Israel                    0 PER       3   0    2   18½ 22½ 4  
  91  105     Vercelli Scharff Ivan Diego                      0 PER       3   0    1   26½ 31½ 4  
  92   71     Casqui Lopez Pamela Grace                   F 1258 PER U12  2½   0    2   30  35½ 3  
  93   92     Puma Lezama Freddy Gabriel                    1027 PER U10  2½   0    2   22  28  5  
  94   83     Principe Osorio Fabricio                      1115 PER U16   2   0    2   29  34½ 1  
  95   97     Condori Guerrero Enzo Rodrigo                    0 PER U10   2   0    2   27  33½ 4  
  96  102     Puma Lezama Vasco Tomas Antonio                  0 PER U08   2   0    1   23½ 28½ 3  
  97   37     Huerta Davilla Boris Nazareno                 1640 PER S50   1   0    1   29½ 36½ 1  
  98   99     Estrada Diaz Steven                              0 PER       1   0    0   24  29  3  
  99    4 FM  Vasquez Vargas Henry Richard                  2124 PER U18   0   0    0   22  27  0  
       25     Ruiz Canchapoma Jaime                         1779 PER       0   0    0   22  27  0  
       48     La Rosa Barreto Carlos Said                   1543 PER U20   0   0    0   22  27  0  
       69     Mandujano Jean Pierre                         1288 PER       0   0    0   22  27  0  
       81     Sanchez Juancho Johann Edwin                  1152 PER       0   0    0   22  27  0  
       96     Cavalcanti Riveros Sebastian                     0 PER U16   0   0    0   22  27  0  
      100     Merca Alvarado Gabriel Adolfo                    0 PER U14   0   0    0   22  27  0 


Rank SNo.     Name                                    Rtg FED Type Pts Res. Vict BH. BH. BL 
   1    4 WFM Contreras Huaman Fiorella            F 1881 PER U16  7½   1    6   43  50½ 5  
   2    1 WIM Caballero Quijano Mitzy Mishell      F 2045 PER      7½   0    7   45  52½ 4  
   3    5 WFM Jimenez Salas Maria Teresa           F 1807 PER U16   7   0    5   42½ 50  4  
   4    2 WFM Garcia Andrada Heidy Nicole          F 1904 PER U20   6   1    6   39½ 47  4  
   5    6     Tacas Cardenas Andrea Ximena         F 1626 PER U18   6   0    5   44  51½ 4  
   6   25     Rojas Arca Ana Cristina              F 1181 PER U18  5½   ½    5   39½ 47  4  
   7    8     Arenas Lavado Luciana Andrea         F 1535 PER U14  5½   ½    4   40  47½ 5  
   8   18     Silva Honores Luciana Victoria       F 1326 PER U12   5   0    5   39  46½ 4  
   9    7     Sanchez Cruz Mireya Jassly           F 1555 PER U14   5   0    5   37½ 45  4  
  10   15     Ramirez Tipian Valerie Luisciana     F 1419 PER U16   5   0    5   36½ 44  5  
  11   12     Gomez Gonzales Fabiana               F 1469 PER U12   5   0    5   35½ 41½ 4  
  12   24     Jacome Cueva Mariah Fernanda         F 1185 PER U16   5   0    5   31½ 39  4  
  13   21     Machacca Mina Adamaris Luciana       F 1250 PER U10   5   0    5   31½ 37½ 4  
  14    9     Torres Ccahuay Dayana Nievevska      F 1519 PER U14   5   0    4   37½ 45  4  
  15   11     Maravi Ceron Ayme                    F 1474 PER U14   5   0    4   36  43½ 4  
  16   13     Vizcarra Quispe Ramalia Bellaluz     F 1467 PER U14  4½   0    4   38½ 44½ 5  
  17   20     Jimenez Salas Fabiana                F 1250 PER U10  4½   0    4   35½ 41  4  
  18   16     Sihuincha Quispe Estefany Anyaly     F 1378 PER U18  4½   0    4   26½ 33  4  
  19   26     Rojas Salas Rihanna Irina            F 1163 PER U12  4½   0    3   29½ 35½ 4  
  20   27     Valenzuela Reinoso Safrys            F 1141 PER U08  4½   0    3   28½ 34  4  
  21   10     Condori Flores Nayeli                F 1489 PER       4   0    4   37  44  5  
  22   23     Orihuela Barreda Alondra             F 1200 PER U16   4   0    4   32½ 38½ 2  
  23   14     Vasquez Tanchiva Katerine Paola      F 1460 PER U20   4   0    3   39  46½ 4  
  24   29     Mory Boltan Sophie                   F 1083 PER U16   4   0    3   31½ 37  4  
  25   19     Zhou Liang Yaxuan Selina             F 1254 PER U14   4   0    3   27½ 32½ 5  
  26   36     Rojas Arca Rosa Maria                F    0 PER U14   4   0    3   24½ 30  5  
  27    3 WIM Hilario Aleyla                       F 1883 PER      3½   0    3   43½ 51  2  
  28   28     Ninahuanca Salazar Ana Lucia         F 1092 PER U12  3½   0    3   37½ 43  5  
  29   17     Aranda Pucuhuanca Alessandra Micaela F 1350 PER U14  3½   0    3   34½ 41  5  
  30   22     Nole Alvarez Antuannet Huguette      F 1209 PER U18  3½   0    3   31½ 37  5  
  31   37     Velarde Rubio Fernanda Nicole        F    0 PER U16  3½   0    3   29  34  3  
  32   33     Garay Ramirez Dhara Celeste          F    0 PER U10   3   0    3   31½ 37  3  
  33   30     Gomez Gonzales Ana Paula             F 1068 PER U10   3   0    2   28½ 33½ 5  
  34   34     Garcia Moncada Maria Estefany Sofia  F    0 PER U08   3   0    2   26½ 32  4  
  35   31     Callupe Matias Rebeca Victoria       F    0 PER U08   3   0    2   18½ 22½ 3  
  36   35     Puma Lezama Angela Fernanda          F    0 PER U12   3   0    1   26½ 33  4  
  37   32     Figueroa Diaz Mia Belen              F    0 PER       2   0    2   28  34½ 5  
  38   38     Zelada Hoyos Maria Paula                  0 PER       2   0    1   28½ 34  3 


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