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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 760 : 01.06.2024

Partidas de Ajedrez 4604
Torneos de ajedrez 52

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Minsk BLR, Kupreichik Mem May 2024

Belarus National clubs and teams championship "Memorial of V.D.Kupreichik"

"Memorial of V.D.Kupreichik"

Organizer(s) : Belarus chess Federation
Tournament Director : V. Ginzburg
Chief Arbiter : IA Y. Borsuk
Deputy Chief Arbiter : FA V. Yakushev
Town : Minsk
Date : 2024/05/17 To 2024/05/21

Final ranking

Rank Team                        Gam. + = - MP Pts+ Res. 
   1 Гомель ChessRegion             7 6 1 0 13 33½   0   
   2 Шестой регион                  7 5 1 1 11  27   0   
   3 Слон СДЮШОР                    7 4 1 2 9   26   0   
   4 РЦОП "Ника и Ко"               7 4 1 2 9   24   0   
   5 VitebskChess                   7 3 2 2 8  21½   0   
   6 Семь пядей                     6 3 0 3 8  20½   0   
   7 Ахедрес                        6 3 0 3 8   14   0   
   8 РЦОП-4                         6 2 1 3 7  17½   0   
   9 РЦОП "Перспектива"             6 2 1 3 7  16½   0   
  10 Бананы МОСДЮШОР                7 3 0 4 6   25   0   
  11 Веселые ребята                 6 1 0 5 4   17   0   
  12 Гроза гроссмейстеров СДЮШОР    6 1 0 5 4  16½   0   
  13 DEAF-РЦОП                      6 1 0 5 4   11   0 


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