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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 550 : 01.08.2018

Partidas de Ajedrez 16210
Torneos de ajedrez 82

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Montevideo URU, Trebejos July 2018

Rank SNo.    Name                         Rtg FED Club            Pts Res. BH. BH. 
   1    3    Dominguez Facundo           2104 URU Trebejos        5½   ½   28  30  
   2    1 CM Carvalho Guillermo          2181 URU Trebejos        5½   ½   24  26  
   3    6    Gomez Troccoli Martin       1934 URU La Proa          5   1   28  30  
   4    2 NM Lopez Falcon Jorge          2119 URU La Proa          5   0   27½ 30½ 
   5    4 NM Saralegui Mario             2094 URU Trebejos        4½   0   27½ 30½ 
   6    5    Ibanez Marcelo              2052 URU Trebejos        4½   0   26½ 29½ 
   7   11    Avedisian Alexander         1858 URU Trebejos        4½   0   24½ 26½ 
   8    9    Diaz Rosas Alvaro           1864 URU Udelar          4½   0   23½ 25  
   9   13    Milans Carlos               1820 URU Trebejos        4½   0   22  23½ 
  10   19    Castagnet Carlos            1594 URU Trebejos         4   0   25½ 28  
  11   15    Bell Enrique                1748 URU La Proa          4   0   24  25½ 
  12   18    Fernandez Cuneo Carlos      1616 URU Trebejos         4   0   20½ 22½ 
  13    8    Pena Canapa Alfredo         1901 URU Minas           3½   0   28  30  
  14    7    Martinez Fernandez Fernando 1920 URU Cerro            3   0   27  30  
  15   16    Dominguez Orono Walter      1695 URU Trebejos         3   0   24  26  
  16   12    Savino Horacio              1835 URU La Proa          3   0   23½ 26  
  17   14    Fernandez Antonio           1813 URU Udelar           3   0   22  24  
  18   10    Zaruski Julio               1862 URU Cerro            3   0   20  21½ 
  19   20    Altuna Pedro                1522 URU Modelo          2½   0   20½ 22  
  20   23    Moreno Diego                1366 URU Banco Republica 2½   0   17  18½ 
  21   27    Olivera Omar                   0 URU                 2½   0   14  15½ 
  22   17    Guidali Leonardo            1627 URU Trebejos         2   0   21½ 23  
  23   21    Aprahamian Tomas            1463 URU La Proa          2   0   20½ 22½ 
  24   25    Souto Andres                1332 URU Trebejos         2   0   20½ 22  
  25   24    Roman Enrique               1334 URU Solis De Pando   2   0   18½ 20  
  26   22    Shih Ferreira Yin Chieh     1384 URU Urreta          1½   0   18  19  
  27   26    Amorin Manuel                  0 URU                  0   0   17½ 18½ 
  28   28    Vazquez Alejandro              0 URU                  0   0   15½ 16½


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