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10 Days 774 : 20.10.2024

Partidas de Ajedrez 7649
Torneos de ajedrez 52

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Ramat Gan ISR, Dov Porat Mem 2024

Dov Porat Memorial 2024 - Rapid A

Organizer(s) : IO & IA Avineri, Paz [2815052]
Tournament Director : IO & IA Avineri, Paz [2815052]
Chief Arbiter : IO & IA Avineri, Paz [2815052]
Deputy Chief Arbiter : IA Ross, Oded [2811189]
Arbiter : GM Golod, Vitali [2804140] ;Tsyn, Igor [34392041]
Town : Einstein 16, Ramat Gan
Rating-Ø : 2210
Date : 2024/10/14 To 2024/10/15

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                   Rtg FED Type Pts BH/C1 BH  Res. ratP 
   1    8 GM  Mikhalevski Victor    2489 ISR S50   8   47   51   0   2708 
   2    5 IM  Rozen Eytan           2510 ISR U18  7½   49   54   0   2652 
   3   15 IM  Kochavi Ori           2379 ISR U20  6½   46   49   0   2460 
   4    1 GM  Smirin Ilia           2557 ISR S50  6½   45½  49½  0   2556 
   5   17 FM  Vagman Roy            2351 ISR U16  6½   42½  45½  0   2446 
   6    3 IM  Gorodetzky David      2524 ISR      6½   36½  39   0   2382 
   7    6 IM  Tzidkiya Yeshaayahu   2508 ISR U20   6   51   55½  0   2491 
   8    2 GM  Kobo Ori              2528 ISR       6   47   51   0   2434 
   9    4 GM  Gorshtein Ido         2514 ISR       6   45   49   0   2486 
  10    7 IM  Ben Ari Yannay        2499 ISR U20   6   42   44½  0   2417 
  11   11 GM  Rechlis Gad           2452 ISR S50   6   41½  45   0   2376 
  12   13 IM  Zemach Nadav          2433 ISR U18   6   39   42½  0   2356 
  13   16 GM  Kantsler Boris        2361 ISR S50  5½   50   54½  0   2437 
  14   10 IM  Shohat Yotam          2454 ISR      5½   45½  48   0   2371 
  15   12 FM  Yaniv Yuval           2442 ISR U18  5½   44   47½  0   2357 
  16   37     Meirovich Ilay        2156 ISR U16  5½   43   46   0   2376 
  17   19 FM  Mordechai Hanan       2320 ISR      5½   41½  45   0   2267 
  18   18     Slobodiansky Steven   2343 ISR      5½   40   42½  0   2311 
  19   23 IM  Sivan Yaacov          2261 ISR S50  5½   38½  40½  0   2256 
  20   46     Gilor Amit            2058 ISR U14  5½   35   38   0   2240 
  21   22 FM  Uritsky Yonathan      2283 ISR U16   5   45½  48½  0   2359 
  22   20 CM  Noy Eyal              2303 ISR U20   5   44   46   0   2325 
  23   24     Levi Netanel          2260 ISR       5   40   42   0   2175 
  24    9 IM  Bronstein Or          2460 ISR      4½   44½  47½  0   2299 
  25   28     Gov Guy               2231 ISR U20  4½   41   45   0   2103 
  26   14 GM  Gruenfeld Yehuda      2407 ISR S65  4½   41   44½  0   2189 
  27   40     Afek Itay             2114 ISR U14  4½   40½  43½  0   2221 
  28   26 WIM Orian Noga          F 2245 ISR U16  4½   40   44   0   2164 
  29   31     Sitbon Itay           2214 ISR      4½   38   41   0   2126 
  30   30     Azoulay Yehonatan     2222 ISR U14  4½   37   40½  0   2043 
  31   48     Kinberg Ofer          2043 ISR      4½   37   40   0   2069 
  32   29     Shilon Rahav Eliran   2230 ISR U12  4½   36½  39½  0   2197 
  33   44     Gurevich Neria        2103 ISR U10  4½   36   38½  0   2161 
  34   42     Vardi Daniel          2112 ISR U12  4½   35½  38   0   2097 
  35   38     Magen Ofek            2141 ISR U14  4½   35½  38   0   2054 
  36   60     Gavriel Adam          1957 ISR U12  4½   32   34½  0   2066 
  37   64     Pearl Oliver          1898 ISR U14  4½   30   32½  0   2089 
  38   25 CM  Menahem Adi           2255 ISR U16   4   41   43½  0   2173 
  39   34 CM  Yaniv Ori             2198 ISR       4   36   39   0   2085 
  40   35 WFM Kochavi Dana        F 2197 ISR U16   4   35   38   0   2078 
  41   57     Beitner Yehonatan     1976 ISR U14   4   35   37½  0   2096 
  42   58     Malachi Avraham       1972 ISR S65   4   34½  37½  0   2087 
  43   33     Duchan Yoav           2201 ISR U16   4   34   36   0   1983 
  44   36     Brezis Ari            2159 ISR U16   4   32   34   0   1974 
  45   47     Tratatovici Dan       2047 ISR      3½   36½  38½  0   2057 
  46   51     Abitbul Matan         2028 ISR U14  3½   35½  39   0   2006 
  47   45     Dezent Eyal           2101 ISR U14  3½   34½  36½  0   2003 
  48   43     Kirsch Yahel David    2104 ISR U14  3½   34½  36½  0   1889 
  49   27 FM  Zakin Ilay            2235 ISR U12  3½   34   36½  0   2039 
  50   49     Gurevich Hillel       2032 ISR U18   3   38½  41   0   2001 
  51   41     Kerner Michael        2113 ISR       3   36   39½  0   2012 
  52   54     Weber Yonatan         2006 ISR U12   3   32½  35   0   1972 
  53   59     Bodenshtein Yair      1971 ISR       3   31½  33½  0   1924 
  54   61     Uritsky Eli           1948 ISR       3   28½  30½  0   1818 
  55   63     Friedlich Eyal        1910 ISR U14   3   27½  29½  0   1794 
  56   53     David Idan            2020 ISR U14  2½   37   39   0   1990 
  57   50     Magen Amnon           2031 ISR      2½   30½  32½  0   1842 
  58   39     Bercovici Yaniv       2137 ISR U14  2½   29½  31½  0   1851 
  59   32     Ribstein Orel         2206 ISR U14   2   37½  40½  0   2084 
  60   55     Hertz Yaniv           1981 ISR       2   27½  29½  0   1811 
  61   52     Soybert Ori           2027 ISR U16   2   25½  27½  0   1725 
  62   56     Allouch Gavriel       1977 ISR U18   2   24   26   0   1737 
  63   62     Goz Shachar           1933 ISR U14   1   29   31   0   1888 
  64   21 IM  Ribstein Nati         2289 ISR       1   23   25   0   1779


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