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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 733 : 01.09.2023

Partidas de Ajedrez 14732
Torneos de ajedrez 107

Ver todos torneos incluidos

Redmond USA, PNWCC Schev-1 Aug 2023

Redmond USA, PNWCC Schev-1 Aug 2023  2023

                           -------------------  Barbosa,Oliver    2476     7.5/10
                           |   ---------------  Cozianu,Costin    2356     6.0/10
                           |   |   -----------  Komarov,Dimitri   2493     5.5/10
                           |   |   |   -------  Sevillano,Enrico  2358     5.0/10
                           |   |   |   |   ---  Novik,Maxim       2410     4.0/10
                           |   |   |   |   |   
 1 He,Anthony        2501  ½½  1½  1½  1½  11     7.5/10
 2 Stearman,Josiah   2453  1½  ½½  ½0  11  11     7.0/10
 3 Lee,Megan         2242  00  0½  ½½  ½1  0½     3.5/10
 4 Sripada,Havish    2132  00  ½½  0½  00  ½1     3.0/10
 5 Harish,Neeraj     2040  00  00  ½½  00  00     1.0/10


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