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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 761 : 10.06.2024

Partidas de Ajedrez 8622
Torneos de ajedrez 46

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San Bernardino SUI, Open June 2024

San Bernardino 2Days Open

- Swiss Alpine Open -

Organizer(s) : Claudio Boschetti - Swiss CHess Tour
Tournament Director : IA Tiziana Balzarini (ITA) 2803637
Chief Arbiter : IA Tiziana Balzarini (ITA) 2803637
Town : Hotel Lido San Bernardino, Strada del Lido 2, CH-6565 Mesocco
Rating-Ø : 1822
Date : 2024/06/08 To 2024/06/09

Final ranking

Rank SNo.     Name                              Rtg FED Type   Gr   Pts BH  BH/C1 RtgØ 
   1    1     Kranzl Julian                    2252 AUT              5  16   13½  1982 
   2    3     Boschetti Claudio                2074 SUI S60    x     4  14   12½  1751 
   3    2 FM  Pogan Nikolas                    2243 SUI             3½  16½  14½  1989 
   4    5     Paleologu Vladimir               1987 SUI        x    3½  11½  10½  1938 
   5    4 FM  Adzic Slobodan                   2001 SUI S60          3  17   15   1999 
   6   10     Steiner Mario                    1804 SUI              3  16½  14½  1950 
   7   11     Sychov Artem                     1796 UKR              3  11   10   1707 
   8    7 WFM Farhat Willemstein Souza Stela F 1855 BRA              3  10    9   1585 
   9   12     Gossler Stefan                   1788 SUI             2½  14   13   1636 
  10    8     Gouali Ameziane                  1853 AUT             2½  8½    8   1572 
  11    6     Kezic Andreas                    1910 AUT              2  14   13   1781 
  12    9     Lundmark Giorgio                 1849 ITA S60  no T1   2  13   11   1790 
  13   15     Spinella Giandomenico            1601 SUI S60  no T1   2  10   9½   1784 
  14   13     Huchler Stefan                   1716 AUT              2  9½    9   1647 
  15   18     Simko Marian                        0 SUI S60  no FSS 1½  15   12½  1873 
  16   14     Cattomio Roberto                 1688 SUI S60    x     1  13   12   1698 
  17   17     Ortelli Valerio                     0 SUI S60          1   8   7½   1736 
  18   16     Rasella Marco                    1580 ITA      no T1   ½  10    9   1543 


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