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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 664 : 01.10.2021

Partidas de Ajedrez 7055
Torneos de ajedrez 64

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Struga MKD, 36th European Club Cup (m)

Rank Team                           Gam. + = - MP SBOly 
   1 Mednyi Vsadnik                    7 6 1 0 13 236½  
   2 AVE Novy Bor                      7 5 2 0 12 201½  
   3 Vugar Gashimov                    7 5 1 1 11  191  
   4 KPRF                              7 5 0 2 10 201½  
   5 Skakfelag Selfoss                 7 5 0 2 10 188½  
   6 Team XtraCon                      7 5 0 2 10 175½  
   7 Sloven Ruma                       7 5 0 2 10 150½  
   8 Alkaloid                          7 4 1 2 9   229  
   9 Silla-Valencia Origin of Chess    7 4 1 2 9   201  
  10 Schachgesellschaft Riehen         7 4 1 2 9   142  
  11 Stocholms SS                      7 4 1 2 9   129  
  12 BEER SHEVA                        7 4 0 3 8   168  
  13 Offerspill Chess Club             7 4 0 3 8   143  
  14 Prilep                            7 4 0 3 8   123  
  15 Maribor Poligram                  7 4 0 3 8  114½  
  16 Lunds ASK                         7 4 0 3 8  110½  
  17 ASNIERES Le Grand Echiquier       7 3 1 3 7  113½  
  18 Andreu Paterna                    7 3 1 3 7   99   
  19 Gambit Bonnevoie                  7 3 1 3 7   93   
  20 Viking  Chess Club                7 3 1 3 7   76½  
  21 Gonzaga                           7 3 0 4 6  108½  
  22 Schachfreunde Wirtzfeld           7 3 0 4 6   108  
  23 Gambit Asseko SEE                 7 3 0 4 6  100½  
  24 Reykjavik                         7 3 0 4 6   99   
  25 Dardania                          7 2 2 3 6   97   
  26 Zuid-Limburg                      7 3 0 4 6   94   
  27 Drejtesia                         7 2 2 3 6   94   
  28 Perfect                           7 3 0 4 6   83½  
  29 Bærum Schakselskap                7 3 0 4 6   64   
  30 Sussex Martlets                   7 2 1 4 5   85   
  31 Wasa SK                           7 2 1 4 5   61   
  32 Gostivar                          7 2 0 5 4   77   
  33 Nordkalotten                      7 2 0 5 4   76   
  34 En Passant                        7 1 2 4 4   60   
  35 Team Pelaro Alingsas              7 2 0 5 4   55   
  36 SV Raika Rapid Feffernitz         7 1 1 5 3   86   
  37 De Sprenger Echternach            7 1 1 5 3   83½  
  38 St Benildus                       7 0 0 7 0   37½


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