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Importante: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 760 : 01.06.2024

Partidas de Ajedrez 4604
Torneos de ajedrez 52

Ver todos torneos incluidos

Sunnyvale USA, 1000GM GpA May 2024

Sunnyvale USA, 1000GM GpA May 2024

                                 --------------  Stearman,Josiah         2467     5.0/5
                                 |  -----------  Heimann,Mark A          2441     4.5/5
                                 |  |  --------  Krishnan,Varun          2340     4.0/5
                                 |  |  |  -----  Delgado Ramirez,Neuris  2483     4.0/5
                                 |  |  |  |  --  Griffith,Kyron          2384     3.0/5
                                 |  |  |  |  |  
 1 Atwell,Rose             2283  0  ½  0  0  1     1.5/5
 2 Suarez,Sebastian        2185  0  0  ½  ½  0     1.0/5
 3 Yan,Nathan              2202  0  0  ½  0  ½     1.0/5
 4 Iinuma,Paul Y           2200  0  0  0  0  ½     0.5/5
 5 Tang,Dylan              2286  0  0  0  ½  0     0.5/5
Sunnyvale USA, 1000GM GpB May 2024  2024

                                       --------------  Dominguez Aguilar,Guillermo   2275     4.0/5
                                       |  -----------  Filgueiras,Nathan Felipe      2284     4.0/5
                                       |  |  --------  Mieles Palau,Daniel Alberto   2342     3.5/5
                                       |  |  |  -----  Figueredo Losada,Leonel       2312     3.5/5
                                       |  |  |  |  --  Juarez Flores,Carlos Armando  2305     3.0/5
                                       |  |  |  |  |  
 1 Arutla,Aditya                 2183  0  0  ½  ½  1     2.0/5
 2 Wang,Jeffery                  2119  ½  1  0  0  ½     2.0/5
 3 Karthi,Jashith                2113  0  0  ½  ½  ½     1.5/5
 4 Zhou,Ruoyu                    2147  ½  0  0  ½  0     1.0/5
 5 Rajaram,Rohan                 2113  0  0  ½  0  0     0.5/5


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